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Gold Tumbles to Four-Month Low as Biden Begins Formal Transition

Yvonne Yue Li and Eddie SpenceTue, November 24, 2020, 9:19 PM GMT+5:30 (Bloomberg) — Gold dropped to the lowest since July as positive vaccine news, strong economic data and the start of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s formal transition undermined the metal’s haven appeal. Prices tumbled for a second day to just above $1,800 an ounce … Continue reading Gold Tumbles to Four-Month Low as Biden Begins Formal Transition

Silver price falls 7% on vaccine news, but here’s key difference between gold and silver?

(Source: Kitco News) Silver tumbled more than 7% on Monday as precious metals sold off in response to positive coronavirus vaccine news, which investors interpreted as good for the economy. “The initial reaction was that stimulus may not be necessary,” RJO Futures senior commodities broker Daniel Pavilonis told Kitco News. “With a vaccine, we have … Continue reading Silver price falls 7% on vaccine news, but here’s key difference between gold and silver?

Markets tank; why is gold not trading like safe haven? March all over again? Expert answers

(Source: Kitco News)   Equities indices fell more than 3% on Monday, with gold and silver also selling off, as Germany and France resume lockdown measures.   Phil Streible, chief market strategist at Blue Line Futures, noted that investors were looking for safety outside of precious metals.   “The Japanese Yen was up and bonds … Continue reading Markets tank; why is gold not trading like safe haven? March all over again? Expert answers

Gold price enters election countdown mode, here’s what analysts are watching next week. By Anna Golubova, Kitco.com

(Source: Kitco News) It has all been about the fiscal stimulus package this week and whether or not something can be passed before the election. According to analysts, who are now in the election countdown mode, the market turmoil is far from over. Optimism over more federal fiscal aid has pushed the stock market and … Continue reading Gold price enters election countdown mode, here’s what analysts are watching next week. By Anna Golubova, Kitco.com

Has the gold market picked a side?

(Source: Kitco News)   The gold market is finding some buying momentum this Friday as prices are at a roughly two-week high, but according to analysts, this latest move still isn’t a firm signal that prices are ready to break out above $2,000 an ounce.   There are a lot of catalysts supporting gold prices … Continue reading Has the gold market picked a side?